God: The owner of all nations

STUDY 42        
20th Sunday in Trinity            
October 17, 2021
SUB-THEME 7: The Lord God of all nations (2) 
TOPIC: God: The owner of all nations
TEXTS: Psalms 24: 1-5; 33:12 

AIM: To understand that God is the Creator and Maintainer of the universe and will judge
           everybody for what they have done in their lives.

INTRODUCTION: God is the Creator of all nations (Ps. 24: 1-2). He created the earth and all its peoples, and he maintains them all. to Him the earth belongs – the physical earth and the people are His by creation and maintenance. God is holy, moral, ethical and righteous. Therefore, people are also morally and ethically responsible and must make moral choices. Judgments are an integral part of the redemptive history as seen in the fall of man (Gen. 3: 14-19), the Flood (6: 5-7) and others. The Bible therefore call God’s judgments “righteous” and “true” (Ps. 19: 9), impartial (Rom. 2: 11), perfect (Ps. 19: 7), and complete (Rev. 15: 1).  

1.     Explain what you understand as ‘The Lord God of all nations’ and compare that with Ps. 24: 1-2. 
2.    How did God bring the universe into existence? Gen. 1: 3-24; Ps. 33: 6; Heb. 11: 3 
3.    If God is for all nations, how then can God be seen as not being in favor of one nation and not of another in the Bible? Isaiah 45:20-23; 59:1-8.
4.    Knowing the faithfulness of God, how can Christians help people escape the wrath of God? Ezra 8:21-23; Jer. 36:9; Acts 12:5-9.

CONCLUSION: God did not only create the universe but has dominion over the whole earth and all who dwell in it. And because He is just and faithful, He will hold everybody accountable the way they live their lives.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: By might and power God brought the universe into existence.

MEMORY VERSE- Psalms 24:1 “The earth is the LORD'S, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein”.