11th Sunday after Trinity
August 15, 2021
SUB-THEME 5: Principles for raising godly family (4)
TOPIC: Praying as a family
TEXT: Acts 12:1-16; Eph 6:17-18; Col 4:2; 1Thess 5:17.
AIM: To teach the essence and effect of praying together as a Christian family.
INTRODUCTION: Parents should pray together as a couple and with their children. The importance of a family altar cannot be overemphasized. The truth is that couples should already be praying together before their children arrive, as part of a healthy marriage, (1Sam 1:9-11). When children are born, they are brought into the correct environment. Children ought not to be born in an environment where family prayer is not a normal part of family life. A family’s life in God together should never be underestimated—it is the foundation for a strong family in an ungodly world.
1. From the text (Acts 12:1-16) what can you say is the essence or reason for a family to pray together? 2Kings 19:17-19; Acts 12:5.
2. Give reasons why Christian families should continuously keep the bond of prayer. Luke 21:36; Eph 6:11; 1Pet 5:8-9
3. What are the conditions for effective family prayer? 2Ch 7:14; Isa 58:9; John 14:14.
4. Why does it appear some prayers in the family are not answered? Isa 59:2; Mic 3:4; Jam 4:3
CONCLUSION: As Christians, we should always remember that families who pray, pull, play together stay together, and shine out as a bright light in a dark and confused world.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The family that prays together wins together.
MEMORY VERSE: Col 4:2 “Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving”.
Service Time
God bless you as you join us!!!
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