Maintaining a right attitude

STUDY 32        
10th Sunday after Trinity        
August 8, 2021
SUB-THEME 5: Principles for raising godly family (3)      
TOPIC: Maintaining a right attitude
TEXT: 2Chron 17:3-6; Col 3:17-21

i.    to define a right attitudein a godly family and 
ii.    to know how best to inculcate this to children’s hearts and lifestyle

INTRODUCTION: One important family value which parents need to raise godly children is placing everything in God’s hand for divine solution and intervention. Parents shouldn’t argue or carry bad attitudes to each other —children are to be taught from ans early age to resolve conflicts with a right attitude. These issues should often be discussed and prayed over at the family altar so that they can be generally settled. In the text today, we see the result of training passed down to Jehoshaphat through David. Our attitude to God and to ourselves as parents is very important in raising godly children.

1.    What do you understand by right attitude and how best can the principle be laid in our homes? Deut. 4:9; 6:6-7; 1Kings 2:1-4.
2.    How best can you describe the effect of right parental attitude in the following passages? Compare 1Sam 1:21-23; with 1Sam 2:17-18; 1Kings 2:1-4 with 1Kings 3:4-59-11; 2Chr 17:3
3.    What do you think about a father and mother fighting in public and in the presence of their children? Reference to 2Chr 22:2-5; Amos 2:4-5; Matt 14:3-8.
4.    What should be the goal of parents having a right attitude in a Christian family in the society? Matt 5:16; 2Cor 4:6; Col 3:17

CONCLUSION: As Christians, it is expedient for us to preach and act godly at home so as to build a home that can impact the society with godly influences.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Parents, watch your attitudes, because your children are your image.

MEMORY VERSE: 2Chr 17:3 “And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David and sought not unto Baalim”.