The Essential of Godly Family- Joy

STUDY 26        
4th Sundayafter Trinity            
June 27, 2021
SUB-THEME: Family and Covenant with the living God (6)
TOPIC: The Essential of Godly Family- Joy
TEXT: Gen. 21:6, 24:67; John 15:11-17

i.    to understand the concept of Joy in a family
ii.    to teach the conditions for a joyful and godly family 

INTRODUCTION: Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness or felicity that is evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. Spiritually, it is the inner deep gladness that one has regardless of prevailing circumstances around one’s life. The texts reveal some of the sources of human joy and happiness. However, Christ has taught and shown us the basis for fullness of physical and spiritual joy. We shall study this today.

1.    Explain the concept of Joy with regard to family life. Gen 21:6, 24:67- Compare 1sam 1:5-7
2.    What is the basis for heavenly joy with reference to Zeph. 3:15-17; Luke 15:6-7?
3.    What are the conditions of Joy in a godly family? Psalm 113:9; 127:3; Isaiah 8:18; Prov 31:10-11; 1Pet 3:7.
4.    How can Joy be sustained in a family? Ps 16:11, 71:23.

CONCLUSION: Only the King of kings who rules over heavens where there is no sorrow but everlasting joy; can give unconditional joy. Therefore, let us continuously allow Him lead us so we may have joy both in this world and in heaven.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Heavens rejoice when they see forgiven sinners in Jesus Christ. 

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 16:11 “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore”.