TOPIC: Human Nature (4): He slept

1st Sunday after Easter
April 19, 2020


SUB-THEME:           The Humanity of Christ (8)

TEXT:                        Mark 4:35-38


AIM: To show that in His humanity, Jesus Christ also experienced fatigue


INTRODUCTION: Like any human being, after the fatigues of a busy day of ministering under the hot sun, our Lord sank into sleep while crossing the Lake in spite of the raging tempest. However, since He is the Lord over any physical and spiritual storm, He was comfortable in His sleep. He commanded the winds and the storm to be still and they all went quiet.



  1. From the text, what factor(s) could have made Christ to have fallen asleep although the disciples were awake?
  2. In the light of the declaration by the Psalmist in Psalm 121:4, how would you explain the sleep of Jesus in Mark 4:35-38?
  3. Discuss what should be our attitude when facing the storms of life, and Christ seems to be ‘sleeping’ in spite of our challenging situation? Mark 4:38; Prov.24:10; Heb.10:35-39


CONCLUSION: In His humanity, Jesus felt the way every other human felt, He slept; yet in His divine nature, He nether sleeps nor slumber. In the midst of the storms of life, we should trust Him, no matter how it takes.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Christ both divine and human, slept in the boat! . 


MEMORY VERSE: Mark 5:38But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"