SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 17th November 2024

SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 17th November 2024

TOPIC: The Authority of An Ambassador: Speaking with Boldness

TEXT: Ephesians 6: 19 - 20

PREACHER: Rev. Daniel Okeke


To fulfil His mandate as ambassadors, we must recognise the authority of God. We have an authority that sent us, therefore we should not be timid, no matter what, we must Be Bold.

Citing Rahab's courage and actions in the Bible. How she hid the spies of Jericho, disobeying the king and protecting the spies. With her boldness, she saved herself and her entire family from the destruction of the Lord.

St. Paul said in Romans 1:16(NIVA) "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes; first to the Jews, then to the Gentile".

The Authority that saves us is Christ Jesus.

The problem we have as Christians is that we fail to acknowledge the authority and power we have. To be saved, we must recognise that we are ambassadors of Christ.

With God, all things are possible, if you realise the authority you carry is The Lord"

Matthew 28: 18 - 19 (NIVA) "Then Jesus came to them and said 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me'".

Do not stop preaching the Gospel, minister it and watch the body of results manifest in your life.

Preaching the word is the sole responsibility of an ambassador of Christ.

As Christ Ambassador, Let us draw our faith from the Lord, Be bold and pray without ceasing.

If Jesus is your father, then you have all authority.