SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 21st July 2024
TOPIC: Benefits of a Godly family 2: Helps to develop relationship with God.
TEXT: Hebrew 12:14
PREACHER: Ven. Dr. Louis Ochei
Godly family is Father, Mother and Children. Godly family is not devoid of conflict or quarrel. It is a family that notwithstanding the conflict, they still live in peace, not because of anything but by the mercy of God. It is a privilege to have God as your Father! As God gives us Godly family, He gives us the grace to access Him.
Do you love God? Do you love your Family? A complete success in life is to love God and your family. An example is Job in Job 1:1-5. Success in life is not just money and property but total success is defined as wealth and family. You can't be successful when you don't honour God or when husband and wife don't pray for each other.
If wealth is only what you have then you have failed in life!
How does a Godly family maintain a relationship with God
1. Marriage: Heb 13:4, Psalm 18: 25-26
2. Children: Psalm 127:7
3. Worship
1. Marriage:
God honours Marriage. When a man honours God in the life of his family, God will honour him. No Marriage is without challenges or made in heaven but when you trust God and put in the effort for it to work, it will work! Let God reign in your marriage. In any marriage where you see things are working, someone (man or woman) is making the sacrifice. When your heart is right with God, He will direct you and have mercy on you. Malachi 2:13-17. God will speak to you (man/husband) to do what is right for His blessings to come upon you.
2. Children:
The value of our children is the function of what the parents teach them and how they are brought up. Psalm 127:7. When God gives a seed (Child) there's something you need to deposit in them that when they go out to the world, they will stand in the right path. Beyond the money, deposit values! Deut 28:4. Parents do not provoke your children, speak to them with love and not negative words that will linger in their minds.
Parents, what are you telling your children? Will it draw them closer to God? As you raise them in a Godly home, let them see Jesus in you before they start seeing Him outside.
3. Worship:
When a family regularly come before God, He extraordinarily shows himself to them. When they kneel for God, He stands for them. Have a time for devotion and worship to God as a family daily. Joshua 24:15 - When a Godly family worship God, it helps them have a better relationship with Him.
Does your marriage glorify God glorified?
Does your relationship with your wife and children glorify God?
Sing Church of Nigeria Hymnal (CNH) 989 - God give us Christian homes!
1. Oh God, overturn and cancel every evil declaration against my marriage, children, wife and husband. Father, cause your light to shine over our family.
2. O Lord, my father, cause me and my family to honour after your word. Help us Father for we are weak! Let your joy be seen in my family. Restore husband, wife and children!
3. Take your requests to God for this new week. God will raise helpers for you! What you accomplished last week, God will help you achieve double this new week. The garment of favour from last week shall be doubled in this new week.
Service Time
God bless you as you join us!!!
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