SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 16th June 2024

SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 16th June 2024
TOPIC: Be Strong and Courageous
TEXT:  Joshua 1:9
PREACHER: Rev Victor Bako

Who is to be strong and courageous?
One who is afraid
One who is weak
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Muster the courage and face your fear. That thing that is appearing in front of you is not real, confront it and it will disappear. Some battle of your life, if not faced will consume you – be strong and courageous.

What do you need to do?
Make sure you do not fall in times of adversary (Proverbs 24:10). The strength required to pull through God will restore your strength in Jesus' name.
Come to God for help. Mattew 11:28. He said Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.
Irrespective of what you are going through trust God to help you.

Life is not by competition don’t compare yourself to others. 2 Corinthians 10:12 - Those that compare themselves with others are not wise.
Stay where you are and in due time God will exalt you.
Be slow and steady with the pace God is leading you.

Prayer point
Today, I receive the strength to pull through and face my challenges in Jesus' name.
Pray for yourself and your father ( and father figure in your life), Lord grant them good health in Jesus' name
Every sick marriage and sick home be restored in Jesus' name.
Prospective young men will not miss it in life in Jesus' name.