SERMON EXCERPT - Sunday 3rd March 2024

SERMON EXCERPT: 3rd March 2024

TOPIC: Steadfastness and Faithfulness to service in the house of God

TEXT: Colossians 3:23

PREACHER: Ven. Emeka Anyaorah

Steadfastness is the quality of being resolute and unwavering. A steadfast man is unwavering, dutifully and resolutely found in discharging his duty& carrying out his assignment.

Faithfulness means unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something and putting it into consistent practice without changing or faulting.

The lack of faithfulness and steadfastness comes at a high price; for this, some in the church may have lost their place with God. 

Examples of such people abound in scripture. 

1. The Israelites. Exodus 32 (the worship of the golden calf). They spoke to Aaron to make the golden calf from their jewellery

2. Eli and his sons displayed unfaithfulness in their services to God; although Eli was not part of it, he was complacent, which caused his generation to be wiped out. 1 Sam 2:12; 21:1; 1 Kings 2:1

3. Achan. Joshua 7:19-21

4. Gehazi (Leprosy on his generation) - 2 Kings 5:20

5. Ananias and Sapphira Acts5:10

What to do to be steadfast and faithful 

1. Isaiah 1:16. Repent from your unsteadfast and unfaithfulness

2. 1 cor. 4:1-2. Stop being unfaithful; prove to be faithful 

3. Col. 3:23. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the lord, not unto men

Prayer Points:

Father, I have heard you, in any way that I have been unsteadfast and unfaithful, oh Lord pardon me, grant me grace to be steadfast and faithful.